Monday, August 12, 2013

Meet the Teacher!

T-minus 4 days and I'm back to school in my new classroom and new grade level! We start teacher meetings tomorrow, yes TOMORROW!  I have so much on my To-Do List that I'm really beginning to feel a little pressured and anxious. That being said, I have a weird love of working under pressure and against the clock. Well, the clock is ticking. It's ticking so loud I can hear it...oh wait, I think that's my heart pounding because I actually got up and worked out this morning. :)

Anyways, back to topic! Because I have so much on my To-Do List, I'm taking a break to join in on Teacher Week '13 with Blog Hoppin'. I also have a few Monday Made It items to share, but may just include that in my classroom pictures! Below is the list of topics for the week. With teacher meetings starting tomorrow, yes TOMORROW, I'm not sure when I'll link up, but hopefully it will get done. (More pressure added!)
Once you have your post all ready to go {and, it's on topic... just gotta throw that out there ;)}, add this button to the post and link it back to Blog Hoppin'!  Then you will be all set to link up!  Also, if you are an *instagramer* use the hashtag #teacherweek13 to show off your ideas! 
So, 10 things you may or may not know about ME!

10. I am teaching at the same school I attended! The teachers, principals, and buildings have changed, but the reason for our school has remained the same. We are a Catholic K-12 school, one of a very small few that are actually K-12. We go to mass 3 days a week and I love that I get to share my faith with my students EVERY DAY! (On a side note, some teachers are actually still here, too!)
9. Not only do I teach there, but I blew a whistle there as well. I began my coaching career a year after I graduated from SMC and continued in some capacity until I had my first child. I then hung up the whistle and put away the gradebook, only to go back a year later and ask for the High School Basketball position. I got it and for 8 amazing seasons watched our girls basketball program go from losing seasons to 4 time Sub-State Champions and making 4 consecutive State appearances. Three years ago I hung the whistle up again so I could spend more time with my boys and attend all of their sporting events. Coaching is really my first love, and I take my "coaching ways" in to my classroom.
8. I LOVE to color! My amazing co-teacher from last year gave me my very own, one-of-a-kind, coloring book as a gift. I LOVE sharp crayons and the relaxation I get from coloring. Unfortunately, none of my children share in this love of mine. :(

7. I'm a pretty competitive person. Like, REALLY competitive. (Just ask my boys when we go to an arcade and there is a Pop-A-Shot game.) You can be my husband, my grandma, a dear friend, or even my 4 year old, nobody is safe. I just like to say I give 110% - 100% of the time!

6. My favorite subject is History! I've been to Gettysburg, PA three times. (I even spent my 16th birthday there!) My main love is the Civil War Era. I would love to go back to the east coast and visit all of the old battle sites and even Gettysburg for a 4th time!
5.  If I could wear sweats and a hoodie every day, I'd be happy. I probably get that from all my years of coaching, but I despise "dressing up". I try to be girly, but usually fail.

4.  I met my best friend and husband in college. I had told myself I was going to date a football player, and guess what...HE WAS!!  Our first "date" was actually spent watching football. And believe it or not, I suggested that! Poor guy wanted to go to the movies and I insisted on watching the Michigan/USC game. How lucky is he? :)

 3.  This year I'm moving up to 5th Grade! I am really looking forward to it. The minute I decided I wanted to be a teacher 5th grade was THE grade I wanted. After graduation I taught 8th grade History for half a semester, after taking over for a teacher that had to retire due to illness. I was in heaven! My favorite subject and only 1 prep! Then I went back to SMC and taught 6th, moved to the high school to teach Technology the following year, began our family, came back last year after being away for 11 years and taught 3rd and will now teach 5th. This will be my 4th full year teaching a different grade level.  After another year of switching classrooms, I've told myself I'm staying put!!!

2. I absolutely love going school/office supply shopping and at least look organized.
Exhibit A: Splurging on an Erin Condren planner.

Exhibit B: My Personal planner

Exhibit C: My Fridge calendars

Exhibit D: The supplies I bought myself while Back To School Shopping for my oldest.
(Notice the crayons?)

 And, finally, #1: I LOVE my boys!!

All 5 of them. There are days I wish I had a little girl that I could watch play volleyball, color with, plan a wedding with, someone that wanted to grow up to be "just like Mom", and to take my side in this house full of boys. On the flip side, I know I have 4 boys that will grow up to be amazing men, just like their Dad. I have 4 boys that will (hopefully) protect me if need be, or stand up for me if they hear a "Your Momma's so..." joke. They are my life. I'm their biggest cheerleader and always will be!

Well, that's just a little bit about me. Now back to my LIST that has now grown, and my time to conquer it, slipping away.  Be sure to hop on over to Blog Hoppin' if you have a free minute.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Currently've got to be kidding me!

Yep, it's August. And not just August 1st, oh no, it's August 7th! Where did July go? I'm linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for her August Currently. I know I'm 7 days late, but better late than never.
I'm sure most of my currently topics are the same as everyone else's. It's that time of year, and I know a lot of us are in the same boat. We're trying to get in to our classrooms, buying school supplies, planning, and wishing for a few more weeks of summer vacation! Am I right?? :)

LISTENING: Right now I'm listening to my "Lovey Dovey" playlist on Spotify. I am a true romantic at heart. I LOVE chick flicks, and I also LOVE a good love song! I'm not sure it gets me in the mood to knock out lesson plans and bulletin board designs, but it's a good start to my morning.

LOVING: My new blog design. Megan with A Bird In Hand Blog Designs did an amazing job on my blog. I love the colors and how she incorporated school with sports, which with my coaching background, was important to me. Is it sad I'm crazy excited to have a cute signature and blog button?

THINKING: I have a HUGE To-Do list and it doesn't include just school things. I have to finish my classroom, start planning, take my oldest school supply shopping, buy shoes for everyone, clean my house, have a birthday party for my going-to-be 8 year old, go birthday shopping...the list goes on and on. I think I really need more hours in the day!

WANTING: Is it selfish of me to wish for another month of vacation?? It seems like every year the summer flys by. But I also know that as fast as our summer has come and gone, so will the school year. And now that I have a son in junior high, I realize high school will be here before you know it and then graduation. I also know that as much as I want more summer, I can't wait for FALL. The cooler temps, hoodies, fall decor, and football games makes me smile. So maybe I don't want more summer after all.  I'll just take some snow days. :)

NEEDING: I really need to finish up my classroom today/tomorrow morning. Tomorrow our PTO holds an all school cleaning. The parents and kids come up to help give the school one really good last clean before the school year starts. It's amazing the turn out we have and I always appreciate the parental support. 

B2S MUST HAVES: I know my list seems boring, but I have a crazy love for school supplies and school supply shopping. I have 4 boys who do not share in my love for walking the school supply isles. I've even threatened them with Justin Bieber folders or My Little Ponies, but they don't care. So I go, by myself. And even before I went back to teaching I would buy me some crayons and markers. My top 3 must haves are:
1. A PLANNER....with 4 boys, 4 different football practice schedules, plus a husband that travels for work a lot, I need something to keep me organized!
2. NOTEBOOKS...I have to have a new notebook for monthly meeting notes, we have weekly meetings, and to keep all of my Professional Development info!
3. PENS/PENCILS...I'm one of those people that have to have a certain pen and pencil. Yep, I'm weird like that. 

  8 days of "vacation" left. I guess I better go tackle my list and make the most of the time remaining. Happy Hump Day everyone!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Make Over Monday!

Well, I don't have anything to link up to a Monday Made It, but I do want to show off the new blog design! Just wanted to thank Megan from A Bird in Hand Designs for creating my super cute and very "ME" blog! I actually have a button now and a cute little signature!!!

I can't believe that school begins in less than 2 weeks. Our wonderful Home and School schedules a school cleaning where the parents come in and help get the classrooms and building ready for the new year. Our cleaning is Thursday which means I need my room pretty much ready to go in the next two days. YIKES!!! I haven't been blogging much because the scrapbooker in me is making all sorts of my own letters for bulletin boards and things. I really need to stop!! I hope to be back to blogging and participating in all the different linky parties by next week.

Thanks for sticking with me! Feel free to click on the cute buttons to follow me on Bloglovin' and Pinterest. (I am a pinning fool!) I also enrolled in Twitter and hope to send out some mad tweets once the school year starts! Right now though, I'm off to my classroom so I can finish up. I can't wait to share my finished room with you!

Happy Monday,